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The Dutch Door: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted by: Raj Kain

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Published On: Jul 16, 2021

The Dutch Door: A Breath Of Fresh Air - Burano Doors

Whether you call it a Dutch door, double-hung door, or half door, this unique type of door will catch anyone’s attention the moment it splits in two. But beyond its eye-catching aesthetic, the Dutch door gives plenty of practical benefits, too. This stable-inspired door brings ease and convenience even in today’s modern world.

In this guide, we cover everything you need to know about Dutch doors, from their humble history to their versatile applications and benefits.

Let’s get started!

A Brief History of the Dutch Door

A Dutch door is divided horizontally so that the top and bottom half can be opened or closed separately.

If you ever get a sense of “Old World” charm coming from these doors, you are right on the money. True to its name, Dutch doors first became popular in the Netherlands back in the 17th century. The original purpose of this popular exterior door style was to keep farm animals outside the house while still having ample ventilation.

Later on, Dutch settlers brought the style with them to the rural homes of the United States. And now, Dutch doors are slowly gaining popularity across North America for homeowners who want something a little different.

Unpainted Dutch door in a country style house

Applications of Dutch Doors

1. Statement Front Door

Dutch doors carry a distinct design statement fitting as a focal point when used as your home’s exterior front door. Some homes even have double Dutch doors, offering twice the elegance and practicality.

2. Convenient Back Door

When used as a back door, it offers plenty of ventilation and convenience. Just imagine having a gorgeous Dutch door in your kitchen. You can let out hot air by opening the top half. Extra points if you’re using this door design as a beautiful patio door or garden door because you get to enjoy the view, too. It’s like having an extra full-sized window.

3. Child and Pet-Friendly Interior Door

Dutch doors can be used to enclose specific rooms or areas that are off-limits to your pets.
It’s also an awesome idea for a child’s bedroom door. While your child is still small, you can make the lower half of the Dutch door into a kids-sized door complete with a cute special doorknob they can easily reach.

Benefits of Having Dutch Doors

1. Dreamy Farmhouse Vibes

It’s hard not to remember stable doors or farmhouse-inspired front doors when looking at Dutch doors. For that reason, these doors add a warm and cozy ambiance to your property. And the rustic charm of a Dutch door can fit anywhere—whether your home is located in the picturesque countryside, quiet suburb, or bustling city.

2. A Secure Way to Receive Deliveries or Greet Unfamiliar Guests

With Dutch doors, deliveries are super easy. You can sign forms or talk to the delivery person without the dogs bolting out while you’re preoccupied. Of course, the same goes for any non-flying pets like cats, bunnies, pigs—you name it! However, the security benefits of having a Dutch door don’t end here.

If you see someone on your doorstep and you are unsure how to receive them (or if you want to), have the lower half of the Dutch door bolted shut. It’s a highly recommended door style for security because it gives a subtle but effective way to discourage unwanted visitors from literally setting foot inside your home. In some cases, this can help to prevent forced entries.

However, keep in mind that Dutch doors are only a layer of security that is best reinforced with good judgment, installing CCTV, reliable door locks, and other advanced security measures.

3. Extra Ventilation When You Need It

Our needs vary according to the seasons, and Dutch doors are perfect for that. When the temperature drops or it starts to rain, the Dutch door can be shut, keeping harsh outdoor elements where it belongs: out.

However, there are times when you want or need extra ventilation to flow through your house. Think of days when the house feels stuffy as if it was a submarine recycling the same air for days. Open the top half of your Dutch door to get rid of odours from cooking in the kitchen or to usher in some positive vibes after a refreshing bout of rain.

Any time you wish your house had an extra window, you simply open your Dutch door, and voila! An extra window, just when you need it.

A white Dutch door used as a kitchen’s backdoor

4. Keep Small Children and Pets From Wandering

We’ve touched on this earlier, but we cannot emphasize it enough: Dutch doors are the best choice for you if you have curious pets and/or children. Instead of having your doors closed all the time to protect them, a Dutch door can let fresh air and sunshine in while keeping your babies inside — giving you the best of both worlds.

Disadvantages of Having Dutch Doors

Despite the several advantages of having a Dutch door, there are also a few disadvantages to keep in mind.

For example, the Dutch door requires more hardware to operate when compared to the standard fibreglass door, which may require more maintenance. Furthermore, accidents can happen when closing the top half – make sure to watch those fingers!

Stylish and Durable Doors for Your Home

Whether you want to have a Dutch door or wish to explore other unique door styles for your home, Burano Doors is a manufacturer you can trust. Our vast collection of doors are meant to grace your home with beauty while also giving you top-notch energy efficiency and overall security.

For a free home estimate for interior and exterior doors, contact Burano today!

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